The back is made up of a complex structure of muscles, ligaments, tendons, intervertebral discs, and bones that work together to support the body and allow us to move. Segments of the spine are softened by cartilage pads called discs. In some cases of back pain, the cause is still unclear. Back pain can be caused due to these components.
Injuries can be caused by stress, illness, and poor posture, among others. Back pain is usually the result of tension, strain, or injury. Common causes of back pain are:
Tense muscles or ligaments
Muscle cramp
Muscle tension
the hard drive is damaged
Injury, broken bones, or falls
Activities that can cause tension or cramping include:
Lifting something too heavy
Making sharp, uncomfortable movements
Structural problems
Several structural problems can also cause back pain.
Torn intervertebral disc:
Each vertebra in the spine is removed by an intervertebral disc. When the disc ruptures, more pressure is put on the nerves, leading to back pain.
Protruding disc:
Similar to a disc that is torn, the disc that protrudes can put more pressure on the nerve.
Sharp, stabbing pain in the buttocks and instep caused by a protruding or herniated disc pressing on a nerve.
Osteoarthritis can cause joint problems in the hips, lower back, and other areas. The space around the spinal cord narrows in some cases. This is known as spinal stenosis.
Abnormal curvature of the spine:
If the spine bends unusually, back pain may develop. An example is a scoliosis, where the spine bends to one side.
Bones, including the spine, become brittle and porous, making compression fractures more likely.
Kidney problems:
Sometimes s back pain can be caused due to kidney stones and infractions.
Movement and posture:
Sitting in a very hunched position while using the computer can cause an increase in back and shoulder problems over time.
Back pain can also be caused by daily activities or bad posture.
Type of diagnosis
The chiropractor diagnoses by touch or palpation and visual inspection. Chiropractic is known as a hands-on approach, with an emphasis on the correction of the spinal joints. A chiropractor may also want to see scanned images and blood and urine tests.
Osteopaths also diagnose by palpation and visual inspection. Slow, rhythmic stretches, known as mobilization, pressure, or indirect techniques, and manipulation of joints and muscles, all combine with osteopathy.
Physical therapists focus on diagnosing problems with the joints and soft tissues of the body.
Treatments of back pain we provide at Health Balance Medical, Queens, NY
Physical therapy: The use of heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation, as well as several techniques to relax the back muscles and soft tissues, can help relieve pain. A physical therapist may introduce some flexibility and strength exercises for the back and abdominal muscles if the pain resides. Posture correction techniques can also help. To prevent back pain from recurring patients are encouraged to practice this technique regularly even after the pain has subsided.
If you are looking for Back Pain Treatment in Queens, NY, then Health Balance Medical is the name you can trust. Call us now at (718) 424-3500 “OR” Book your appointment today!
Health Balance physical therapy helped me a lot with my lower back problems. Everyone is very friendly and you can definitely feel the positive energy when you walk in.
Mike G
The staff is very polite and tries their best to satisfy the patients. I’m very happy that we have such a great facility in our neighborhood
Ricky H.
Excellent service From everyone in the office. They also provide transportation for all appointments. Highly Recommended. Thank you!
Kenia C.
Great service, Pleasant staff, Highly recommend this facility.